
Collecting Corner is a blog that explores the fascinating world of collecting. It's about anything that can be collected or is connected with collecting. It's for collectors, those who want to collect, and those who don't collect but who want to understand the passion that drives those who do. It's about different ways to think about collecting and what can be collected, and ideas for figuring out what to do with your collection.

This is a forum for discussion of questions like:

What do you collect?
Why do you collect that thing, in particular?
Where do you find it?
Why do you collect, in general?
What do you do with your stuff?
What's your mode of collecting -- systematic, random, something in-between?
What's the weirdest thing you've collected?

Think of these as the standing questions of this blog. I'd love to hear from you. Please join in the discussion, or just stop by to see what we're talking about. I'll do my best to find and share information that is useful and interesting, and try to keep things organized, easy to read, and fun.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Who's Laughing Now?

The painting, called "Rembrandt Laughing," was estimated to sell at auction for $3,100. A bidder recognized it as an original Rembrandt self-portraint and bought it for $4.5 million. A bargain, considering it is worth about ten times that amount. It was painted by the artist in 1628, when he was in his early twenties.

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